Monday, February 4, 2019

PLC Minutes Semester 2

Tues meet in 261 at 11:40
- what are we doing next week
-we need to give them details on ODW test format
Wednesday meet in 332 at start of 5th
-get together coco theme infographic articles

-is this our final?

Tuesday 5/7 - meet in 332 at 11:40
-make recovery packets!
I'm assuming 119 is occupied with testing. If, for some reason, we get a call to come down, then we will comply!
Wednesday  5/8 - meet in 261 at 11:30

-plan for next week

Tuesday - meet in 119 at 11:40 (subject to change)
-flesh out the party details
-Viking Time intervention?
-Recovery option?
-next failure notice date

Wednesday - meet in 332 at start of 5th
-reconfigure schedule because tech is out!
-IR continuation?

-Week 17 

Tuesday - meet in 119 at 11:40
-we are going to use this time to grade/calibrate scrimmage essays!
Wednesday - meet in 332 at start of 5th

-Plan week 16

Tuesday in 119 at 11:40
-training on how to grade ODW essays? When to calibrate
-discuss details of party - Gossett email? Marsha$?
-move to plan ACT prep if time permits
Wednesday in 261 at 10:50
-Next week plan and following week

Tuesday - meet in 119 at 11:40
-create Teams for ODW scrimmage
-secure party details/who is grading/grading scale/when to do party/passes for party
-failure notices

Wednesday - meet in 332 at 10:50
-Next week's plan M/T
-anything we didn't finish yesterday

-what is the date of ODW??

Tuesday 3/26 11:20 in 261
-plan writing bootcamp 2 weeks after spring break
-ODW for sure date yet?
- logistics for ODW scrimmage
-Lit awards for sure date
-failure notices

Tuesday 3/18 - 332 at 11:40
-rest of semester
-grade book calibration
-failure letters date
-scrimmage details

Tuesday 3/11 - 261 11:40
-research 4 (I already made it - just want y'all to look and add/edit how you want it to be!)
-articles for upcoming essay (Patti is on these, just want to talk ab them if need be)
-supplemental materials (double entry outline, claim writer's move, sentence starters, remedial article)
-IR plans
-Rest of year plans

Wednesday 3/12 - backpack scoring - no PLC that day! We will meet informally Friday to finish up what we don't complete Tuesday. Meet Friday in 332 at 11:40.

Tuesday 3/4 - I will not be here, and Josh will be with seniors. No PLC for us Tuesday.

Wednesday 3/5 - Scoring backpacks, we will not meet. We might try to get together Friday - I will keep you updated.

Wednesday meet in 332 at 11
-letters of failures info
-scrimmage logistics (how are feeling about online vs. handwritten? IMA vs. HSA alternatives?)
-Next unit (lessons 1 day length, repetitive of writing functions)
-Next IR accountability?
Wednesday 2/20 in 261
-talk about IR presentations next week (rubric, length, expectations, etc.)
-Plan next unit
Tuesday 2/12 in 119 at the start of 5th period
- Dawn and Megan need 20 minutes to go over audit info/observations with us
- Update on ISAP situation
- Data sheet if time allows
Wednesday 2/13 in 261 at 11
-plan for next week
-grading rough drafts then having a second drafting session
-finals by hand or typed?
-when are we teaching background and hook?

-what's next after letters?

Tuesday 2/4 in 119 at the start of 5th!
-talk about alignment with Civics in regard to letters- Kelly had some concerns
-ISAP materials per Rufus
-data sheet updates with research assignment 2
Wednesday meet in 249 at 11AM!
-what is next week going to look like
-Do we want to give copies of the rubric to kids now?
-Are we moving too slow?
-IR book projects
-Grammar test

Anything else you guys want to add!

Tuesday 1/29 room 119 at the start of 5th
-Dawn/Megan 15 minutes
-Look at research 2 student samples
-Data sheet - put research 2 in it?

Wednesday 1/30 - meet in Josh's room at 11
-rubrics for letters

-revision process for letters

Tuesday 1/15 - meet in 119 at the beginning of 5th
*bring examples of counterclaim practice from today so we can do a pulse check
*take a look at data sheet and how we are going to format it this time around
*get together articles for letter to congressman unit (from Funk?)
Wednesday 1/16 - meet in 332 at the beginning of 5th
*plan out entire unit of letter to congressman
*what are our formatives?
*what is our summative?

*can we combine varied sentence structure into the letter writing somehow?

Tuesday 1/8 PLC agenda:
-Recovery for last semester
-recovery options for this semester
-set dates for letters home
-plan next week(s)

Plus, anything else you want to add! We will be in 119 at the start of 5th.

Wednesday 1/9 agenda:
-plan the rest of skill intro
-letter to congressman unit

Friday, August 31, 2018

PLC Minutes Semester 1

Meet in Josh's room at the start of 5th!
Tuesday 12/18 
-next semester skill intro (first 2 weeks)
-starting grammar openers
-introducing counter claim and rebuttal

12/10-14 - Junior conferences

Tuesday 12/4- meet in 332 at 11:40
-Finalize the final
-Work on review for final

Wednesday 12/5 - meet in 261 at 11:00
-Finalize Tuesday's stuff
-Start thinking about what we want to do next semester
-Recovery contracts for failures

Tuesday 11/27 - meet in 119 at 11:40
*make sure we are all on the same page with out MAP is going to play out
*are our gradebooks calibrated?
*Recovery option for next semester - letters?
*pick out insult or honor essays for Friday

Wednesday 11/28 - meet in 332 at 11
*next week's powerpoint

*flesh out the final?

 Tuesday 11/20 PLC in room 332 at 11:40
-plans for next week with MAP and reflections

Tues 11/13 - Meet in library at 11:40
*timing of second MAP test
*MAP grouping plan for next unit
*MAP conference sheet idea
*Infographics into data sheet
*Infographic calibration - bring a low, medium, high example to PLC!
*final recovery option letters? to student and parent?
Wed 11/14 - Meet in 261 at 11:10
*week 14 slide assignments
*start planning out final
*MAP conference sheet

Monday 11/5 - GOLD DAY
PLB accountability
Project with rubric -

Tuesday 10/30 - PLC in 119 start at 11:40 District personnel coming!
-Enter theme narratives them into the data sheet
-Talk about next steps as far as tone/detail
-Calibrate grade book
-Talk about Final assessment recovery options
Wednesday 10/31 - Plan in 332 start at 10:50
-plan rest of semester
-how do we want to continue during next weeks short week?
-create rubric and find article for assessment (corporal punishment)

Tuesday 10/23 in 119 at 11:40
-calibrate theme narratives
-put narratives in data spread sheet
-parent note sent home/improvement plans

Wednesday 10/24 in Patti's room at 11
-get pp finished for next week's work week/Monday should be explaining the assessment

-Figure out our plan for the next unit (argument writing?) 

Tuesday 10/16 embedded PD
Wednesday 10/17
*Week 10/11 PP
*Next unit?

PLC 10/2
-set up data sheet
-grade calibration
Plan 10/3
-next friday plan
-next unit?

Tuesday 9/25: PLC in 119 at 11:40 - we will be talking about the literacy plan with Megan and if we have time the data sheet.   

Attendance:  Byrd, Concepcion, Bolduc, Beams, Kerr, Roy

We discussed the Literacy Plan and how the English teachers can support the IMA teachers with their reading materials.  

Wednesday 9/26 PLC in 249 at 11:10 
-Review of PLC norms
-What are we doing next week? 
-How are we grading the theme narrative essays? 
-What do our six week grading period gradebooks look like?
-Improvement plans?
-Intervention or content study hall - how will we identify names? 
-Anything y'all want to add.


Meet in 261 (Patti's room) at 10:55 
                   - eval of grading anthologies and research (bring student samples of both)
                   - grade replacement strategies for recovery?
                   - Week 6 PP, who is doing what?
                   - Week 7 plan?
                   - Anything you want to add?

embedded PD

  1. How are we going to structure narrative essay? 
  2. Rubric and examplar for essay?
  3. What is our list of themes students can choose from?
  4. What is the prompt?
  5. What are we looking to next after the narrative essay?

  1. Take a look at data sheet and discuss tracking plans
  2. Overall, how do we think students are doing with theme, creative writing, claim, and research?
  3. Anything else you want to add

  1. What are we doing next week? How have writings been going thus far? Rubric for anthology and writing piece? How are we introducing a the writing piece? Let's set dates for these two assessments. 
  2. What grades should we have before end of 1st 6 weeks?
  3. Starting research next week? What's the plan?
  4. Let's try to get the rest of the unit planned so we won't have to go week by week - get ahead of the game a bit!
  5. Anything you guys want to add


  1. Set norms/expectations: when and where will we meet, what to bring when we meet, etc.
  2. Talk about roles/responsibilities within the PLC
  3. Goals for PLC/JR English as a whole
  4. End of year testing? Is on-demand out? Do we know?
  5. Set up tracking - how will we use our data sheet?
  6. What is going on with achieve? When can we have access?
  7. Anything Megan or Dawn might add